With the TightSpot™ quiver, you’ll shoot better with your quiver on than you ever did with your old quiver off !
TightSpot is infinitely adjustable, which means it acts like a stabilizer, balancing your bow; it also lets you get your nocks out of the dirt.
The TightSpot quiver’s exclusive (patent #8,839,773) "RightSpot" 3-way adjustment system lets you fine-tune the balance of your bow by using your quiver. TightSpot acts much like a stabilizer, improving the balance of your bow.
1. Up or downThis movement not only allows you to adjust bow balance, but it also lets you adjust the quiver high enough so your arrow nocks don’t dig into the dirt.
2. Forward or backRotating TightSpot forward or back lets you fine-tune bow balance, much like a stabilizer.
3. In or out(patent #8,839,773) By sliding your TightSpot quiver in close to your bow on the patented dovetail rail, you will virtually eliminate any torque.